After the endosleeve

Although the endosleeve helps you to achieve a permanent weight loss, it is not a slimming method that works automatically. It is always necessary to adjust your lifestyle and eating habits in order to achieve and maintain a successful weight loss and to avoid complications. It is very important to follow the post-operative diet. In addition to a healthy diet, sufficient exercise is also important.


Directly after the procedure

If you wake up after the endosleeve procedure you will be monitored for approximately two hours in the OR recovery room before being transferred back to your room. You will experience pain in some degree and nausea. Although medication can help resolve these symptoms in a lot of cases, sometimes throwing-up occurs. Normally these symptoms will disappear during the first three postoperative days. After a week you might still feel a bit tired, but in most cases you will be fit enough to return to your daily routine. Normally the stomach will be swollen after the endosleeve, making eating and drinking harder in the beginning.


The diet after an endosleeve

The nutritional adjustment after an ESG consists of several phases. With this diet you will start losing weight. In addition the diet has a protective function for your endosleeve.

We start with a liquid phase and gradually move from a semi-solid food to a healthy, protein-rich solid food.

• Phase 1: liquid food for 3 weeks

• Phase 2: semi-solid food for 3 weeks

• Phase 3: healthy, easily digested  protein-rich diet for 2 weeks

• Phase 4: balanced  healthy diet with permitted foods.


The importance of sufficient physical activity

A healthy lifestyle is more than just a balanced and varied diet. A healthy mix of sitting, standing and exercising is at least as important. Just regularly standing up while sitting is a step in the right direction. In addition, sufficient exercise is a must. Try to be active at least 30 minutes a day.  Choose endurance sports that you can do at a slow pace for a longer time;  cycling, swimming, a brisk walk, walking ... Build this up systematically. In order to obtain optimal results keep in mind that your maximum heart rate = 220 – (65 to 70)% of your age = ...