Failed ESG or POSE2 ?

Unfortunately it is possible for an endosleeve to fail in the long term losing its restriction.

In our center we perform the Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty technique to create an endosleeve. Current literature shows that this procedure is safe and more effective than the former POSE technique (POSE is a different technique to create an endosleeve).

For the renewed POSE2 technique there is no data available concerning long term results. So, statements that the POSE2 is a lifelong tool to lose weight are not proven to be true.

At this moment we already know that after a POSE2 procedure dilatation of the stomach can be a problem. In this unfortunate event it however is possible to convert the endosleeve into a classic sleeve gastrectomy if weight regain occurs.

At our center we are experienced in converting the POSE2 as well as the ESG to a sleeve gastrectomy. Please have a look on our website for more information.